C&S Electric has specialized CSR teams that formulate policies, strategies and goals for their CSR programs and set aside budgets to fund them. These programs are often determined by social philosophy which has clear objectives and is well defined and aligned with the mainstream business. C&S Electric CSR programs range from community development to development in education, environment, healthcare, etc.
C&S Electric along with Oxfam India, a well-known non-profit organization, have joined hands to work for the future of our country by uplifting the children and youth living in the slums of Kalyanpuri and Trilokpuri in East Delhi. C&S Electric believes in giving back to the society and there is no better way of giving back than investing in the future of our country.
C&S Electric in association with NGO Vastradan also organizes clothes donation drive across the companies for the under-privileged children. C&S Electric also celebrates important days like Earth Day and Water Day to promote awareness about the importance of preserving our biodiversity.
C&S Electric employs environment friendly practices in all its manufacturing plants and sales offices. It has been adapted to the concept of going paperless in all its offices. It has eco-friendly paint shop facilities in all its manufacturing plants.
Recognizing the importance of an effective waste management system, C&S Electric has partnered with Bharat Oil and Waste Management Limited (BOWML) for a safe, legal and scientific disposal of industrial waste for its manufacturing plants in Noida.
In addition, throughout the year several employee awareness programs are conducted to create consciousness around environmental and social causes.