C&S now introduces the new Winbreak Moulded Case Circuit Breakers meeting complex requirements of electrical systems of today and tomorrow ensuring reliability which can offer uninterrupted service throughout the product life undergoing all the stresses that system encounters.Suitable for verification of the main contact position under abnormal conditions because the handle doesn’t indicate position. They are provided with handle which functions with the indications “ON” “OFF” and “TRIP”.When the handle indicate “tripped” position it must first be reset by moving the handle to the “OFF” position and then closing is possible. A Patent technique PASQ Arch-Extinguishing unit reduces the arc voltage for a short time.
The trip button enables tripping mechanically for outside, for confirming to operation of the MCCB and the manual resetting function. WiNmaster circuit breakers use the latest technology to enhance performance and safety.Compact yet offering various connections for ease of installation snap on site fit accessories, enhanced life and intuitive operation makes them a very user friendly range of circuit breaker for any application.Winmaster now offers total solution for modern day requirement for measurement, analysis and communications, all in optimized size.